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Setting Up For The Paw-lidays

It’s time for the holidays with cheer in the air as everyone bustles. There are lists to check, presents to wrap and delicious goodies to make. As we have family and friends enter our home for celebration and warmth, let’s make this year the best year by having everyone prepared. Our puppies are often over looked in these moments of joy and there are simple steps we can take to make the holidays perfect for them, too!

Baby gates can be your best friend!! The front door is no longer a fear. Baby gate that!! Our guests do not all understand that our puppy is learning boundaries. Do they want to play with puppy?? Does puppy want to play with them? Who is allowed to handle puppy?? Not everyone is in a training class. Everyone understands a baby gate. They can be used at the kitchen entryway/halls/bathrooms to keep puppy out of there and are wonderful for stairs!!

Frozen Treats are going to be a life saver during the holidays. Kong makes excellent silicon toys that are easy to clean, fill and freeze. Dogs of all ages love them. For a time saving treat use your dogs wet food toppers or try Smucker’s all natural peanut butter, plain greek yogurt, sweet potato, chicken(boiled or shredded). These are excellent for keeping puppies attention during cooking activities while keeping them out of seasonal treats we love that could make them sick!!

Family festivities are often our favorite of the year. Making sure everyone is getting walkies is still important. Our puppies will not enjoy missing their morning walk and will show that by finding a bathroom in the house. To keep mistakes from happening it is our responsibility to keep the walks on routine. Make it fun for everyone!! If you have a fun family tradition make it part of the walkies!! Have Coco on your walk… none for puppers!! Whatever it takes for everyone to know there are puppy routines that have to be maintained.

It may seem simple, but have an alarm set for your pet’s regular meals times during the holidays. Having an alarm set for meal times will make sure that no one is going hungry while friends and family are visiting. This will also keep everyone on a regular schedule as events are happening. Some pets require medication at meals and it is very important that these times be consistent. If there are going to be several events back to back or a long event, it may benefit to have meals weighed and potions in advance.

We want our guests to feel safe when they enter our home and they encounter a new puppy. Is there a place in your home that puppy dearest can feel like home is still theirs?? How often are there this many people in the home? When having gatherings it is a good idea to have a space where only puppy goes. Have it set up in advance and let them know that this is their space that no one will intrude on. Even if it is a playpen in the corner of a room, this is puppy’s peaceful space.

Have fun this Pawliday Season creating joy with your family and friends of all breeds and sizes!!

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